100 => 'Phone not found',
101 => 'Invalid PHONE format',
102 => 'Phone is not confirmed',
103 => 'Phone in a block-list',
104 => 'Phone is already in another account',
105 => 'Phone already in your account',
115 => 'Phone already in subaccount',
106 => 'Failed to identify the operator',
107 => 'Operator does not supported',
108 => 'Already connected at mobile operator',
109 => 'Cannot determine information about the operator',
111 => 'No free slots for objects left',
112 => 'No requests left',
113 => 'No objects found to add',
114 => 'No active abonnements',
201 => 'Error in EMAIL address',
202 => 'Incorrect EMAIL format',
203 => 'PASS too short',
204 => 'E-mail unconfirmed',
205 => 'E-mail already exists',
206 => 'Argument QUERY empty',
210 => 'DATEOFF value in past not allowed',
211 => 'Argument DISTANCE->TEXT empty!',
212 => 'Argument DISTANCE_TEXT without DISTANCE_COORD',
213 => 'Empty required parameter PHONE',
214 => 'Invalid parameter PHONE',
215 => 'Argument QUERY epmty',
300 => 'Operator does not support this tariff',
400 => 'Rate limit exceeded',
401 => 'Incorrect API KEY',
402 => 'Auth rate limit exceeded',
403 => 'Access denided',
404 => 'Function not enabled for your account',
405 => 'Ivalid autorization data',
406 => 'Unknown subaccount ID',
407 => 'Required argument EMAIL',
408 => 'Required argument PASS',
409 => 'Required argument OPERATOR',
410 => 'Missed required argument PHONES',
411 => 'Required argument TARIFF',
412 => 'You have no rights for this operation',
500 => 'Unknown action',
60105 => 'Device not found',
60110 => 'Empty or invalid IMEI',
60112 => 'Incorrect IMEI format',
60115 => 'Invalid ACCOUNT',
60120 => 'IMEI is not uniqe',
5007 => 'Paid request was not added',
5200 => 'Internal API Error: Unknown communication error',
5201 => 'Internal API Error: http error',
5202 => 'Internal API Error: Illegal reply',
5203 => 'Internal API Error: Illegal JSON',
5204 => 'Internal API Error: STATUS out of bounds',
5205 => 'Internal API Error: Error_Code or Error_Message out of bounds',
5206 => 'Internal API Error: DATA not found',
5207 => 'Internal API Error: DATA not valid',
5211 => 'No access to call this Service: ',
5212 => 'No access to call this method: ',
5221 => 'Can not get Arg Value',
5222 => 'Required Field Messed',
5223 => 'Unknown Args Field Name',
5224 => 'Required Field Value not Found',
51002 => 'There is no valid chat with PHONE or access denied',
51003 => 'Unexpected system error! Exceed number of OBJECTS with PHONE',
51004 => 'Empty message. Parameter SMS_TEXT (SMS text) must have at least one characters length',
51005 => 'Exceeded length of message. Max 70 charachters allowed',
51006 => 'Exceeded number of messages per minute',
51007 => 'Payment error while send SMS. Check your account',
11002 => 'Active',
11003 => 'tracker_key not found (tracker_key)',
11004 => 'Exists',
11005 => 'Failed to process query',
11006 => 'Request or Phone not found',
11007 => 'Request in queue',
11008 => 'Request failed',
11009 => 'Not passed 5 min timeout',
11010 => 'Please, wait while package will activated',
11011 => 'You can reactivate only after 20 mins timeout, or wait reject from the abonent',
11012 => 'You can delete only after 24 hours timeout, or wait accept or decline from the abonent',
11013 => 'You can delete only after 1 hour timeout, or wait accept or decline from the abonent',
11014 => 'Current status does not allow to delete',
11015 => 'Incorrect time value in schedule',
11016 => 'Too many not active objects',
11017 => 'Invalid account ID',
11018 => 'You can delete only after 30 minute timeout, or wait accept or decline from the abonent',
11021 => 'Argument DATEOFF not allowed to be less, that one day',
11022 => 'Failed to geocoder_search for DISTANCE->TEXT value!',
11023 => 'You need disable phone or take reject status',
11030 => 'Incorrect object URN',
11031 => 'Invalid data in OBJECTS',
11032 => 'Invalid object ID',
11033 => 'There is no aby object for get route',
16500 => 'Service currently unavailable',
16501 => 'Error while getting data from service',
16502 => 'Error parse data from service',
16503 => 'Error service',
20131 => 'Missed or invalid required parameter TYPE',
20132 => 'Missed or invalid required parameter URL',
20133 => 'Missed or invalid required parameter LOGIN',
20134 => 'Missed or invalid required parameter PASSWORD',
20135 => 'Missed or invalid required parameter TOKEN',
20136 => 'There is no available GPS-trackers',
20137 => 'Empty TRACKERS',
20138 => 'Invalid data in TRACKERS',
20140 => 'Service temporarily unavailable (0x1)',
20141 => 'Service temporarily unavailable (0x2)',
20143 => 'Missed or empty required argument ID',
20144 => 'No valid trackers to delete',
20132 => 'Invalid authorization data',
20142 => 'Error while getting data from service',
20244 => 'TOKEN error',
20245 => 'TOKEN or URL error',
20246 => 'Error while getting data from system. Check TOKEN and URL',
20344 => 'Invalid TOKEN and/or URL',
20444 => 'Error while getting data from system. Check TOKEN and URL',
20544 => 'Error while getting data from system. Check LOGIN and PASSWORD',
20554 => 'Error while getting data from service',
13101 => 'Missed required argument ID',
13106 => 'Required argument EVENTS',
13107 => 'Invalid EVENT_TYPE in EVENTS',
13103 => 'Missed required argument PHONES or PHONES_ALL',
13104 => 'Invalid data (phone) format in argument PHONES',
13102 => 'There is no subscribes to delete',
13105 => 'One or more phone numbers invalid for this account',
13108 => 'Missed required NOTIFY_TYPE or has invalid value',
13109 => 'Invalid data (phone) format in NOTIFY_VALUE',
13110 => 'Invalid data (email) format in NOTIFY_VALUE',
14110 => '5. Empty file!',
14111 => '6. Error while sav!',
14112 => '0. Current import issue do not recognized!',
14113 => '7. There is no data for import!',
14114 => 'There is no any recognized string in a file!',
14115 => 'Can not find data strings in a file!',
14117 => '8. Error in table header (1)!',
14118 => '8. Error in table header (2)!',
14119 => '8. Error in table header (5)!',
14120 => '8. Error in table header! (6)',
14121 => '8. Error in table header (7)!',
14122 => '8. Error in table header (8)!',
14123 => '8. Error in table header (9)!',
14124 => '8. Error in table header (10)!',
15115 => 'Missed required argument PHONES',
15116 => "Illegal telephone number in argument PHONES",
15117 => 'There is no one valid telephone number in PHONES',
18011 => 'Invalid route_timestamp. Too long ago.',
18013 => 'Unable to create share key',
18014 => 'Illegal or missed route_timestamp',
18015 => 'Share_key not found',
18021 => 'Only one of the two parameters can be used: PHONES or OBJECT',
18022 => 'Invalid object_id in param OBJECT',
18023 => 'Invalid Phone in param PHONE',
18024 => 'Restricted object in param OBJECTS_ADD',
18025 => 'Restricted object in param OBJECTS_DELETE',
18151 => 'Share API: Service unreachable',
18152 => 'Share API: Service returned error',
19000 => 'API v3 error',
19100 => 'Empty parameter PHONE or OBJECT_NUMBER',
19101 => 'Object not found',
19102 => 'Empty parameter PHONE or OBJECT_NUMBER',
19103 => 'Invalid COORDS lattitude',
19104 => 'Invalid COORDS longtitude',
19105 => 'Invalid Destination time',
19106 => 'Invalid Destination time',
19107 => 'Missed param DEST_TIME',
19108 => 'Empty param TEXT',
19109 => 'Param STATUS has unknown value',
19110 => 'The destination point passed via the parameter ID was not found',
110 => 'Unavalible tariff (Not enough money or unactivated abonement)',
100001 => '@error_code not defined',
30137 => 'Empty VAGON TRACK NUMBERS',
30138 => 'Invalid data in VAGON TRACK NUMBERS',
39143 => 'Missed or empty required argument VAGON TRACK NUMBERS',
30143 => 'Invalide one of VAGON TRACK NUMBERS',
210131 => 'Choose the tracker system',
210132 => 'Ivalid autorization data. URL required.',
210133 => 'Ivalid autorization data',
210134 => 'Ivalid autorization data',
210135 => 'Ivalid autorization data',
210136 => 'There is no avalable GPS-trackers to add',
210137 => 'Error occured while trying to add trackers',
210138 => 'Error occured while trying to add trackers',
210140 => 'Service temporaly unavailable (0x1)',
210141 => 'Service temporaly unavailable (0x2)',
210142 => 'Error while getting data from service',
210143 => 'Missed or empty required argument ID',
210144 => 'Error occured while trying to delete trackers',
210244 => 'TOKEN error',
210344 => 'Invalid TOKEN and/or URL',
210444 => 'Error while getting data from system. Check TOKEN and URL',
210544 => 'Error while getting data from system. Check LOGIN and PASSWORD',
210245 => 'TOKEN or URL error',
210246 => 'Error while getting data from system. Check TOKEN and URL',
210251 => 'API: Service unreachable',
210252 => 'API: Service returned error',